
Report on UN response to sexual exploitation and abuse by peacekeepers

Report on UN response to sexual exploitation and abuse by peacekeepers

International human rights organisation REDRESS has released a new report, ‘Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Peacekeeping Operations: Improving Victims’ Access to Reparation, Support and Assistance‘. The report is published ahead of a High-Level Meeting convened by the UN Secretary-General on combating sexual exploitation and abuse in peacekeeping operations that… Read More

ICC reparations award for destruction of cultural heritage in Mali, an important step to acknowledge and remedy the harm caused to individuals and communities

Today, the International Criminal Court issued its decision on reparations in the Al-Mahdi case, concerning the destruction of 10 mosques and mausoleums in the ancient city of Timbuktu during Mali 2012 conflict. Read the full press release For more information or for an interview, please contact Nader… Read More

Uzbekistan must start genuine cooperation with the UN

The Presidency of Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who took over from Islam Karimov in September 2016, has failed to take any measurable steps to implement its international human rights obligations and to cooperate fully with the United Nations. Two years ago, the UN Human Rights Committee [1] found the Uzbek government… Read More