
Divisional Court ruling recognises immunity from criminal jurisdiction for “special missions” visiting UK

Today, in the first English case in which a Court has been asked to make a specific finding on the role of customary international law with respect to a “special mission” visit to the UK, the Divisional Court ruled that customary international law requires States to secure, for the duration of a “special mission” visit, personal inviolability and immunity from criminal jurisdiction for the members of the “special mission”.

Lithuanian court prevents secret detention and rendition victim from participating in investigation into CIA secret prisons in Lithuania

Lithuanian court prevents secret detention and rendition victim from participating in investigation into CIA secret prisons in Lithuania

Vilnius Regional Court has issued its final rejection of REDRESS’ application for victim status for Mustafa al-Hawsawi in a pre-trial criminal investigation into CIA secret prisons (also known as black sites) in Lithuania. This status would have allowed Mr. al-Hawsawi to participate in the ongoing investigation, including to request access… Read More

‘Reporting on torture’ media handbook launched in several languages to support journalists who report on torture

‘Reporting on torture’ media handbook launched in several languages to support journalists who report on torture

A new handbook launches today, on the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, to support journalists who report on torture. The ‘Reporting on Torture’ handbook provides accurate, up-to-date information and guidance in four languages (English, Arabic, Spanish and Nepalese) to help journalists cover the subject in… Read More