
Submission to the UN Committee Against Torture Concerning Malawi’s Initial Report

REDRESS and the Centre for the Development of People (CEDEP) made this submission to draw the Committee against Torture’s attention to the issue of discriminatory violence affecting individuals identifying or perceived as LGBTIQ+ in Malawi. This submission is based on our extensive experience working against torture and on LGBTIQ+ issues… Read More

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Other legal support

If you are looking for someone to take your case or support you on a particular legal issue, you may want to contact a law firm with experience in human rights or a human rights organisation. The following tables list some relevant law firms and human rights organisations in the… Read More

Can REDRESS take on your case?

Can REDRESS take on your case?

If you or a family member have been tortured, and you need help to obtain justice and reparations, we may be able to help you. REDRESS offers its services free of charge. However, we are a small organisation, and we must make sure that we can continue to support our… Read More

Guide to Justice, Accountability and Reparations for Survivors of Torture

Justice may mean something different to each survivor and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to seeking justice. Some survivors may want to seek criminal prosecution, for others it may be financial compensation or a meaningful apology with guarantees of non-repetition, such as policy and legislative changes to try to ensure… Read More

Sexual and Gender-based Violence (SGBV)

Gender based violence involves violence against individuals who are targeted because of their gender. Sexual violence is a form of gender-based violence. Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) can take multiple forms that include both physical violence and mental torment. Depending on the circumstances, some forms of SGBV may amount… Read More

Asylum, Immigration and Detention

If you have been tortured abroad, securing your asylum or immigration status in the UK will be crucial in ensuring that you are not returned to a place where you are at risk of being tortured again. The law surrounding these claims is complex. This means that you will require… Read More