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Submission on Greece to UN Committee Against Torture

Submission on Greece to UN Committee Against Torture

REDRESS has urged Greece to bring its definition of torture into conformity with international law, at the UN Committee Against Torture’s review of Greece’s seventh periodic report on 24 and 25 July 2019. Ahead of the session REDRESS participated in a briefing with other NGOs and the members of the… Read More

ICC Appeals Chamber confirms Lubanga’s liability for US$ 10 million in reparations to war victims

ICC Appeals Chamber confirms Lubanga’s liability for US$ 10 million in reparations to war victims

REDRESS welcomes today’s decision of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Appeals Chamber on reparations to victims of Thomas Lubanga Dyilo (Lubanga), settling the question of Lubanga’s liability for US$10 million for reparations for victims in the case. Lubanga, former leader of the Union des PatriotesCongolais/Forces Patriotiques pour la Libération du… Read More

Justice for Darfur victims should be swift and effective

Justice for Darfur victims should be swift and effective

Statement of the Victims’ Rights Working Group 21 June 2019 The Victims’ Rights Working Group (VRWG) calls upon the international community to exert maximum effort to ensure that ousted Sudanese President, Omar al-Bashir, and the other suspects against whom arrest warrants have been issued for crimes in Darfur, Sudan,… Read More